Custom Windows 10 x64

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My Custom ISO Windows 10 x64 Edition's


All Windows have these Install Packs.

CommonRedist ( .NET Framework 3.5, .NET SDK 6.0, Desktop Runtime, Direct Player, Visual-C Runtimes, DirectX, Flash Player, Shockwave and AdobeAIR ).

Windows Games are from Xp ( Pinball, Freecell, Hearts, Minesweeper, Solitaire and Spider Solitaire ).

Games Pack ( Brain Drain, Chuckie Egg, Sega MD Gold Edition, Elfbowl 1&2,  HangAroo, Hangman, Hungry Snake 2, Mr Bean Solitaire and QBob ) also mite have Flash Games and Super Glinx.

Wallpaper Pack ( Windows and Mixed ).


Windows 10 x64 : Starter


Windows 10 x64 Starter and Plus : Apps Installed - Google Chrome, Windows Games, CommonRedist Pack and Wallpapers Pack, On The Starter Plus : Office 2007, WinRAR, Adobe Reader (  Apps Not Installed : Classic Shell )
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
Starter4.73 GBMEGA
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
Starter Plus6.22 GBMEGA

Windows 10 x64 : Users


Windows 10 x64 Users and Users Standard : Apps Installed - Google Chrome, Windows Games, CommonRedist Pack, Wallpapers Pack, Office 2007, Games Pack, Codex, VLC and Adobe Reader. On Users Standard : Games Pack Plus. Also with both User Name and Classic Shell Installed.
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
Users6.19 GBMEGA
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
Users Standard6.32 GBMEGA

Windows 10 x64 : RCT


Windows 10 x64 RCT and Plus : Apps Installed - Google Chrome, CommonRedist Pack, RCT Wallpapers, RCT1, RCT2, RCT3, RCT Classic, Open TTD and OpenRCT2 v4.17 with Rides, Stalls, etc. On The RCT Plus : Theme Hospital, Theme Park World and Theme Park Inc, also with both User Name and Classic Shell Installed.
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
Name Of Windows EditionsFile SizeDownload Site
RCT Plus11.03 GBMEGA